Welcome to my Speaking4profit newsletter Video Blog.
"Become a Professional Speaker #2- setting fees
"Watch the video and send me any questions you
would like for me to address in future videos.
"How to Recession Proof Your Speaking Business"
with creative marketing strategies and tactics
that Actually Work teleseminar”
Tele-seminar will take place on 5/6/08 at 7pm CST.
Checkout the details below:
You will learn:
1. The #1 reason why most speakers fail during tough economics times.
2. What type of speakers survives tough economic times and how they use
their _____________ to grow their business.
3. The 4 things you have complete control over when marketing
You’re speaking business in tough economic times.
4. You will learn a technique that will give you an economic
stimulus every month.
5. (3) strategies on how to find high-end clients in tough times.
6. A covert strategy for getting google to send you more customers and
joint venture partners.
7. How to use the Pizza Hut method to attract more customers and to get
them to buy quickly & repeatedly.
8. How to get your local public libraries to buy your book.
9. How to find EVEN more buyers on craigslist
10. How to convert more sales on your website with fewer clicks.
11. How to find local bookings- beyond rotator clubs and civic groups.
12. How to use promotional items to find clients, make sales & market your
Date: 5/6/08
start time: 7pm to 8pm or until I'm done. last call went 1hr. and 40 mins
The Investment: $25.00
click on the buy button below to recession proof you're speaking business

Can't make to call?
No worries call will be record and sent to all of those who sign-up
Any questions for the call email them to: johnny@transitionman.com
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